coreBOS has a rich set of generic operations that can be used on any module in the application.

The next chapters will cover all of these operations from a functional or reference point of view depending on the importance of each operation.

Before we start we will layout some conventions used in subsequent parts of the manual:

Id Format: objectTypeId 'x' objectId the first number represents the module identifier while the second number represents the internal identifier of the record. They are separated by a lower case x, like this: 3x40

Object: a JSON object which represents a field-value mapping of a record in the application. Each module has its own set of fields so each object will have a different set of fields to match the module it represents. Each object has a common set of fields which are:

  • id: the record identifier as explained above
  • cbuuid: this is a universal unique identifier of the record which can be used in any web service operation in place of the ID. This permits us to easily share information between different coreBOS installs.

Map: an associative array of key-value entries, usually represented by a simple JSON object. the only difference with an Object is that it does not contain the identifier fields. This is typically used in create operations.

Timestamp: a long integer representing a UNIX Epoch

Let's dive into the operations.

Next| Chapter 3: Login to webservice.
