The application has an extension that can be used to configure regular backups and create ad hoc backups.
You can use the Menu Editor to create an access point to this URL:
or directly use the Module name like this:
When we access the extension we will be able to activate the local backups and the offsite (FTP) backups.
Once configured the backups you can manually execute backups clicking on the Backup Now button and/or activate the scheduled tasks to make them regularly in Settings > Scheduled Tasks
There are two different types:
Backup with no external tools. Can easily run into memory limitations and really slow down the server. Good for smaller sets of information. Backup with external tools. mysqldump and zip must be available on the server. Fast and good for big sets of information. You can find some more information on our youtube channel and in the coreBOS Manual.
Once you have made a backup you will have a .zip file with the information
Download a copy of your code as it is being used into a webserver directory and give it the correct permissions
Unzip the backup file into the downloaded code from the top directory of the application overwriting any existing files.
You will see a new .sql file which contains the backup database
Create a new empty database
mysqladmin -u dbuser -ppassword CREATE DBname
Import the information (database.sql)
mysql -u dbuser -ppassword DBname < database.sql
Configure (database name, user, password, application path, etc.)