Global search, unlike the search button located on each module, searches all modules in coreBOS. By default, Global Search will search the entire system. Currently, Global Search is able to search for accounts, potentials, leads, documents and other modules within the system.

getSearchResults -Operation

The operation you need for the simple global search

GET URL Format :{{sessionName}}&query=lin&serch_onlyin=&restrictionids={"userId":"module_rest_idxrecordid","accountId":"module_rest_idxrecordid","contactId":"module_rest_idxrecordid"}

Query parameters

Key Value Description
operation getSearchResults The operation you need for the simple global search
sessionName {{sessionName}} The value of a hashing value that you need to connect to coreBOS.
query lind The word that you are searching for
serch_onlyin Comma-separated list of module names The module(s) that you want to search in. If the field is empty you are searching at all modules
restrictionids {"userId":"module_rest_idx0", "accountId":"module_rest_idx0" "contactId":"module_rest_idx0"} The id of the user and the id of the the records in some modules. If userid is given, the search will be executed as that user, with that user’s permissions. If accountid and/or contactid are given, the records returned must be related to those records.


var hash = CryptoJS.MD5(token+accesskey).toString();

Response: This is a PHP Serialized object.

    "success": true,
    "result": "a:7:{i:0;a:10:{s:7:\"Lead No\";s:5:\"LEA74\";s:9:\"Last Name\";s:7:\"Lindall\";s:10:\"First Name\";s:9:\"Carmelina\";s:7:\"Company\" ;s:29:\"George Jessop Carter Jewelers\";s:5:\"Phone\";s:12:\"303-724-7371\";s:7:\"Website\ ";s:43:\"\";s:5:\"Email\";s:29:\"\" ;s:11:\"Assigned To\";s:9:\"Var Group\";s:2:\"id\";s:7:\"10x4242\";s:18:\"search_module_name\";s:5: \"Leads\";}i:1;a:10:{s:7:\"Lead No\";s:6:\"LEA133\";s:9:\"Last Name\";s:7:\"Dilello\";s:10: \"First Name\";s:7:\"Lindsey\";s:7:\"Company\";s:23:\"Biltmore Investors Bank\";s:5: \"Phone\";s:12:\"909-639-9887\";s:7:\"Website\";s:36:\"\";s:5:\"Email\";s:27:\"\";s:11:\"Assigned To\";s:9: \"Var Group\";s:2:\"id\";s:7:\"10x4301\";s:18:\"search_module_name\";s:5: \"Leads\";}i:2;a:10:{s:7:\"Lead No\";s:6:\"LEA107\";s:9:\"Last Name\";s:7:\"Hochard\";s:10:\"First Name\";s:7: \"Malinda\";s:7:\"Company\";s:23:\"Logan Memorial Hospital\";s:5:\"Phone\";s:12:\"317-722-5066\";s:7:\"Website\";s:36: \"\";s:5:\"Email\";s:25: \"\";s:11:\"Assigned To\";s:9:\"Var Group\";s:2:\"id\";s:7:\"10x4275\";s:18: \"search_module_name\";s:5:\"Leads\";}i:3;a:7:{s:9:\"Vendor No\";s:5:\"VEN66\";s:11: \"Vendor Name\";s:29:\"George Jessop Carter Jewelers\";s:5:\"Phone\";s:12:\"303-724-7371\";s:5: \"Email\";s:29:\"\";s:8:\"Category\";s:0:\"\";s:2:\"id\";s:6: \"2x2281\";s:18:\"search_module_name\";s:7:\"Vendors\";}i:4;a:7:{s:9:\"Vendor No\";s:6:\"VEN259\";s:11: \"Vendor Name\";s:20:\"Bogart, Edward J Esq\";s:5:\"Phone\";s:12:\"604-458-2387\";s:5: \"Email\";s:18:\"\";s:8:\"Category\";s:0:\"\";s:2:\"id\";s:6:\"2x2474\";s:18: "search_module_name\";s:7:\"Vendors\";}i:5;a:7:{s:22:\"Project Milestone Name\";s:15: \"Belinda Mathius\";s:14:\"Milestone Date\";s:10:\"2016-04-13\";s:11:\"description\";s:43: \"fringilla ornare placerat, orci lacus ve...\";s:12:\"Created Time\";s:19:\"2015-06-09 10:57:17\";s:13: \"Modified Time\";s:19:\"2016-05-16 15:48:10\";s:2:\"id\";s:7:\"31x8826\";s:18: \"search_module_name\";s:16:\"ProjectMilestone\";}i:6;a:7:{s:22:\"Project Milestone Name\";s:14: \"Howard Lindley\";s:14:\"Milestone Date\";s:10:\"2016-04-25\";s:11:\"description\";s:43: \"In mi pede, nonummy ut, molestie in, tem...\";s:12:\"Created Time\";s:19: \"2015-06-15 09:22:55\";s:13:\"Modified Time\";s:19:\"2015-07-10 13:41:29\";s:2:\"id\";s:7:\"31x9385\";s:18: \"search_module_name\";s:16:\"ProjectMilestone\";}}"


The operation you need for the global search where the response is in the form of an array.

GET URL Format :{{sessionName}}&query=lin&serch_onlyin= &restrictionids={"userId":"module_rest_idxrecordid","accountId":"module_rest_idxrecordid","contactId":"module_rest_idxrecordid"}

Query parameters

Key Value Description
operation getSearchResultsArray The operation you  need for the global search where the response is in the form of an array.
sessionName {{sessionName}} The value of a hashing value that you need to connect to coreBOS.
query lind The word that you are searching for
serch_onlyin The module that you want to search in. If the field is empty you are searching at all modules
restrictionids {"userId":"module_rest_idx0", "accountId":"module_rest_idx0", "contactId":"module_rest_idx0"} The id of the user and the id of the the records in some modules


var hash = CryptoJS.MD5(token+accesskey).toString();


    "success": true,
    "result": [
            "Lead No": "LEA74",
            "Last Name": "Lindall",
            "First Name": "Carmelina",
            "Company": "George Jessop Carter Jewelers",
            "Phone": "303-724-7371",
            "Website": "",
            "Email": "",
            "Assigned To": "Var Group",
            "id": "10x4242",
            "search_module_name": "Leads"
            "Lead No": "LEA133",
            "Last Name": "Dilello",
            "First Name": "Lindsey",
            "Company": "Biltmore Investors Bank",
            "Phone": "909-639-9887",
            "Website": "",
            "Email": "",
            "Assigned To": "Var Group",
            "id": "10x4301",
            "search_module_name": "Leads"
            "Lead No": "LEA107",
            "Last Name": "Hochard",
            "First Name": "Malinda",
            "Company": "Logan Memorial Hospital",
            "Phone": "317-722-5066",
            "Website": "",
            "Email": "",
            "Assigned To": "Var Group",
            "id": "10x4275",
            "search_module_name": "Leads"
            "Vendor No": "VEN66",
            "Vendor Name": "George Jessop Carter Jewelers",
            "Phone": "303-724-7371",
            "Email": "",
            "Category": "",
            "id": "2x2281",
            "search_module_name": "Vendors"
            "Vendor No": "VEN259",
            "Vendor Name": "Bogart, Edward J Esq",
            "Phone": "604-458-2387",
            "Email": "",
            "Category": "",
            "id": "2x2474",
            "search_module_name": "Vendors"
            "Project Milestone Name": "Belinda Mathius",
            "Milestone Date": "2016-04-13",
            "description": "fringilla ornare placerat, orci lacus ve...",
            "Created Time": "2015-06-09 10:57:17",
            "Modified Time": "2016-05-16 15:48:10",
            "id": "31x8826",
            "search_module_name": "ProjectMilestone"
            "Project Milestone Name": "Howard Lindley",
            "Milestone Date": "2016-04-25",
            "description": "In mi pede, nonummy ut, molestie in, tem...",
            "Created Time": "2015-06-15 09:22:55",
            "Modified Time": "2015-07-10 13:41:29",
            "id": "31x9385",
            "search_module_name": "ProjectMilestone"


The operation you need for global search where the response is in the form of an array, with the total count that the word appears in each module.

GET URL Format :{{sessionName}}&query=lin&serch_onlyin= &restrictionids={"userId":"module_rest_idxrecordid","accountId":"module_rest_idxrecordid","contactId":"module_rest_idxrecordid"}

Query parameters

Key Value Description
operation getSearchResultsArrayWithTotals The operation you need for global search where the response is in the form of an array, with the total count that the word appears in each module.
sessionName {{sessionName}} The value of a hashing value that you need to connect to coreBOS.
query lind The word that you are searching for
serch_onlyin The module that you want to search in. If the field is empty you are searching at all modules
restrictionids {"userId":"module_rest_idx0", "accountId" :"module_rest_idx0", "contactId":"module_rest_idx0"} The id of the user and the id of the the records in some modules


var hash = CryptoJS.MD5(token+accesskey).toString();


    "success": true,
    "result": {
        "records": [
                "Lead No": "LEA74",
                "Last Name": "Lindall",
                "First Name": "Carmelina",
                "Company": "George Jessop Carter Jewelers",
                "Phone": "303-724-7371",
                "Website": "",
                "Email": "",
                "Assigned To": "Var Group",
                "id": "10x4242",
                "search_module_name": "Leads"
                "Lead No": "LEA133",
                "Last Name": "Dilello",
                "First Name": "Lindsey",
                "Company": "Biltmore Investors Bank",
                "Phone": "909-639-9887",
                "Website": "",
                "Email": "",
                "Assigned To": "Var Group",
                "id": "10x4301",
                "search_module_name": "Leads"
                "Lead No": "LEA107",
                "Last Name": "Hochard",
                "First Name": "Malinda",
                "Company": "Logan Memorial Hospital",
                "Phone": "317-722-5066",
                "Website": "",
                "Email": "",
                "Assigned To": "Var Group",
                "id": "10x4275",
                "search_module_name": "Leads"
                "Vendor No": "VEN66",
                "Vendor Name": "George Jessop Carter Jewelers",
                "Phone": "303-724-7371",
                "Email": "",
                "Category": "",
                "id": "2x2281",
                "search_module_name": "Vendors"
                "Vendor No": "VEN259",
                "Vendor Name": "Bogart, Edward J Esq",
                "Phone": "604-458-2387",
                "Email": "",
                "Category": "",
                "id": "2x2474",
                "search_module_name": "Vendors"
                "Project Milestone Name": "Belinda Mathius",
                "Milestone Date": "2016-04-13",
                "description": "fringilla ornare placerat, orci lacus ve...",
                "Created Time": "2015-06-09 10:57:17",
                "Modified Time": "2016-05-16 15:48:10",
                "id": "31x8826",
                "search_module_name": "ProjectMilestone"
                "Project Milestone Name": "Howard Lindley",
                "Milestone Date": "2016-04-25",
                "description": "In mi pede, nonummy ut, molestie in, tem...",
                "Created Time": "2015-06-15 09:22:55",
                "Modified Time": "2015-07-10 13:41:29",
                "id": "31x9385",
                "search_module_name": "ProjectMilestone"
        "totals": {
            "Accounts": 0,
            "Leads": 3,
            "Contacts": 0,
            "Potentials": 0,
            "Campaigns": 0,
            "HelpDesk": 0,
            "Products": 0,
            "Documents": 0,
            "Emails": 0,
            "Faq": 0,
            "Vendors": 2,
            "PriceBooks": 0,
            "Quotes": 0,
            "PurchaseOrder": 0,
            "SalesOrder": 0,
            "Invoice": 0,
            "ServiceContracts": 0,
            "Services": 0,
            "CobroPago": 0,
            "Assets": 0,
            "ModComments": 0,
            "ProjectMilestone": 2,
            "ProjectTask": 0,
            "Project": 0,
            "InventoryDetails": 0,
            "cbTermConditions": 0,
            "cbCalendar": 0,
            "cbSurvey": 0,
            "cbSurveyQuestion": 0,
            "cbSurveyDone": 0,
            "cbSurveyAnswer": 0,
            "cbCompany": 0,
            "cbQuestion": 0,
            "ProductComponent": 0,
            "Messages": 0,
            "cbPulse": 0,
            "MsgTemplate": 0,
            "cbCredentials": 0,
            "Timecontrol": 0,
            "cbBCase": 0,
            "DocumentFolders": 0,
            "pricebookproductrel": 0,
            "AutoNumberPrefix": 0,
            "ProcessLog": 0,
            "cbProcessAlert": 0,
            "cbProcessFlow": 0,
            "cbProcessStep": 0