The purpose of the Popup Filter map is to enable record filtering within popup windows. When we open a popup from a uitype10 field, this map allows us to define conditions that the records must meet in order to be displayed in the popup.

One advantage of this method is that it enables us to compare a field with another field by accessing an infinite number of uitype10s. This means that if we want to retrieve a value from a field in a third or more relation, we can easily navigate through link fields between modules, as long as a relation exists.

Here's an example of a map built for the AssetDetails module to filter ProductComponents based on the condition where the frompdo field is equal to the product field in the _relatedassets field of the AssetDetail:

In a few words we are in the AssetDetails module, go to $related_assets which is the relation field to the Assets module and from there we take this $product field:

  <modulename>AssetDetails</modulename> <!-- module where we open the popup -->
    <fieldname>related_productcomponent</fieldname> <!-- the uitype10 field where we click to open the popup -->
    <modulename>ProductComponent</modulename> <!-- the module that appears in the popup -->
  <!-- after “columnname:” we specify a field from the module where we are trying to filter, ProductComponent in our case; meanwhile as value we specify the field that we want to compare with. We can navigate through uitype10 using ‘.’ to separate fields and the ‘$’ sign before names -->

The map name must always be named {Module name}_PopupFilter.

The type of map must be: Popup Filter

If you need to specify additional filters for other uitype10 fields within the module, you can add tags to define those filters in the map.
